• Issue
  • Sep 02, 2024

Editor’s Letter: All Too Human

Detail of JINJU LEE’s The Unperceived, 2020, Korean color and acrylic on linen, four parts: 122 × 488 cm, 122 × 488 cm, 122 × 244 cm, 122 × 220 cm. Courtesy the artist and Arario Gallery, Seoul.

In an era creaking under the weight of too much content, we are increasingly at the mercy of the immediate. This often manifests itself as an immediacy of meaning: ideology as rigid and unwavering, identities and labels as sacrosanct, and the confessional, in which the personal is always political, as the order of the day. But there still exists a number of artists who see value and significance in mystery, uncertainty, and hesitancy, who are attuned to the myriad complexities of the world and of the self, who champion reflection, contemplation, and the timelessness of things. 

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