• Issue
  • May 01, 2014

Robert Zhao Renhui: The Origin of Invented Species

Portrait of ROBERT ZHAO RENHUI. Courtesy the artist.ROBERT ZHAO RENHUI, Hiroshi Abe: Winner, 2008/09 Phylliidae Convention, Tokyo, Abe Morosus (Abe, 2006) (detail), 2009, from

Behind the lemon-yellow door in Singapore's Goodman Arts Centre lies an idiosyncratic collection belonging to a 31-year-old artist and self-professed natural-history lover. Whimsical memorabilia fills the laboratory-like space; life-size replicas of a rottweiler, tortoise and stork greet the visitor. Display cases and various microscopes occupy a center table, while alligator skulls rest on a shelf. An adjacent table is covered with old Singapore postcards, loose photo slides, and wildlife books. Welcome to the curious world of Robert Zhao Renhui. 

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