• Issue
  • Jan 02, 2024

Festivals of 2023: Thailand Biennale

Installation view of ERNESTO NETO‘s Chantdance, 2023, crochet with recycled thread (PET), bamboo, wooden pieces, ceramic pots, plants, water, wooden hoops, spices (clove, turmeric, ginger powder), brass drums, lamps, ceramic lamp covers, 4.45 × 19.71 × 19.71 m, at the Mae Fah Luang Art and Cultural Park. Photo by GroundControl. Courtesy the artist and Fortes D’aloia & Gabriel, Sao Paulo/Rio de Janeiro; and Tanya Bonakdar Gallery, New York/Los Angeles.  

Dec 9–Apr 30, 2024
Thailand Biennale: “Chiang Rai 2023: The Open World”

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