• Issue
  • Jul 01, 2021

Miti Ruangkritya: Signs of Transition

Portrait of MITI RUANGKRITYA. Photo by Andras Bartok. Courtesy the artist. 

The concrete road beneath the car has run out. A bumpy stretch of dirt lies to the left of the silver vehicle; before it is a muddy lake and swaths of unkempt scrubland, speared by the occasional towering palm tree. This is the sight that Thai photographer Miti Ruangkritya captured in 2009 during a tuk- tuk trip on Plov Lek 60, a national motorway in Siem Reap that was newly paved at the time. For Miti, the abrupt termination of the drag marked the outermost limit of urban Siem Reap, while hinting at the pending development encroaching on its purlieus. The image is part of On the Edge (2009). Comprising photos of the sleepy, serene fields that school children cross on their way home, and where couples picnic and moonlighting restaurateurs set up stalls in the evenings, the series is a poignant account of a place poised at the cusp of change.